Reduced VAT rate of 8% applies to : Some wines, advertising, print and commercial brochures, etc.
Intermediary VAT rate applies to : Electricity, gas, flowers, hairdressers, cleaning of private housing, importation of works of art, etc.
Super reduced VAT rate applies to : Books; foodstuffs including restaurants (but excluding alcoholic beverages); construction work on a new building to be used as a primary residence by the owner; beverages excluding alcohol; assigning water distribution; some pharmaceutical products; hotel; transport of passengers; access to concert and theatres; broadcasting and television services; clothes for children under 14 years; etc.
Contact us for more information or a specific question.
If you are a professional, you are entitled to recover the VAT paid on your expenses provided that the following conditions are fulfilled:
The VAT paid on expenses that relate to transactions :
Contact us for more information or a specific question.
VAT training “The essentials of Luxembourg VAT declarations for the financial sector” will be soon available.If you are a private person, your supplier should take care of all tax formalities and issue its invoice with VAT.
Contact us for more information or a specific question.
VAT training “The essentials of Luxembourg VAT and INTRASTAT declarations for the commercial sector” will be soon available.Contact us for more information or a specific question.
VAT training “The essentials of Luxembourg VAT and INTRASTAT declarations for the commercial sector” will be soon available.Union goods relate to goods that were produced in the EU and not exported, as well as non Union goods that were imported in the EU. Their delivery in Luxembourg triggers intracommunity VAT obligations, but no customs importation.
Different tax and duties apply on import of goods in Luxembourg :